Faculty of Engineering at the Technion, Universities and Colleges are offering the students a wide range of compulsory and elective's semestrial courses. But deep observation, into the academic syllabus will indicate that, the graduate's engineers usually not exposed during their studies to several important courses that their objective is to prepare them to the nexy day, when they begin their way in the Israeli industry and other engineering companies.
As an example, we can see that graduate's engineers do not have courses in welding technologies even though welding is considered as the heart of any steel structure. Many engineers join the industry and various engineering companies and play a major part in key positions like: production managers, quality assurance managers, manufacturing engineers, etc. These functions are exposed on a daily basis to welding's constructions and usually need external services given in some instances by unprofessional people. It is clear that a basic understanding of welding can help them in taking professional decisions and to conduct adequate control on the services provided to them. In doing so they can contribute to maximize the efficiency and quality of welded construction, reducing quality costs and shortening the whole project duration to minimum.
In addition, we can find that graduates engineers are not being exposed to courses dealing with Israeli and foreign standards. Is it reasonable that engineers are not required to deal with standards frequently?! Is the industry's development would not be upgraded if the engineers had better knowledge in Israeli and foreign standards?!
We in AEWICS have a proven ability to lead professional academic courses in Universities and Colleges, based on the rich experience of our CEO Adi A. Atsits in courses and training.
Ariel University of Samaria is the first University which took up the challenge and in each semester about 100 mechanical engineering students are studying Welding Technologies leaded by the lecturer Eng. Adi A. Atsits. Along with Ariel University, the College of Engineering in the name of Sammy Simon also realized the great potential in this field and employs Adi as a lecturer in Welding Technologies semester courses given to students of mechanical engineering.
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