AEWICS- Atsits Engineering, Worldwide Inspection & Consulting Services Ltd. was established by Engineer & Advocate Adi A. Atsits after more than 25 years of professional experience in various of Engineering Projects and activities in Israel and all over the world.
We in AEWICS offer a large basket of engineering services, which are being performed by us by means of a proven high quality and professional manner, through deep understanding that the customer satisfaction, both with regard to our availability and response speed, with respect to the project's completion, is particularly important.
AEWICS act both in Israel and around the world, and so we act with the understanding that the world has become one small global market and customer needs are not limited to one set place. Therefore, in order to promote the client's objectives he expect to a high level of professional services and availability which are not confined to one geographical area.
Our motto is to be a leading factor in the field of Engineering Supervision while professional approach and high quality services are being implemented on a routine basis.
We offer our clients a complete engineering solutions and one point of contact for all the customer's needs regarding supervision, training, consulting and providing engineering solutions, in a professional creative and innovative approach.
Our Basket of Services in a nutshell
Eng. Adi A. Atsits, Adv
High Education:
Bachelor of Science (BSc), Mechanical Engineering at Tel Aviv University
Master's degree (MSc), Mechanical Engineering and Management at the Tel Aviv University
Bachelor of Law (L.LB) at Shaarei Mishpat College, with high excellence
Attorney, Israel Bar Association, (License No. 54013)
Proffesional Experience
Adi is very well familiar and has wide profesional knowledge and experience of more than 25 years in the field of pressure equipment of all types, Welding Inspection (CWI), Nondestructive testing (NDT), Strength of materials, metallurgy, Natural gas systems etc.
High engineering and analytical capability implemented in various projects in Israel such as: "Hayovel"'s project in Ashdod Port, Ben Gurion Airport 2000's project, light rail train's project in Jerusalem, including engineering supervision of the production assembly of wagons (passenger and freight) in Israel and abroad. A deep familiarity with production technologies and means of production in various plants all over the world. Very well familiar with the Standartization and regulations in Israel and abroad, especialy in Europe and USA. More than 20 years as a member of Israelies technical standardization committees in SII (Standards Institution of Israel) in the field of mechanical engineering, water engineering and automotive engineering. More than 15 years as the Chairman of the Technical Standards Committee for pressure equipment. This committees are responsible for preparing Israeli standards and reviewing European, American and international standards prior to their adoption as Israeli standards. Wide familiarity with Israeli, European and Ameicans standards, including the European Pressure Equipment Directive (stationary and mobile) and machinery directive.
More than 23 years expirience as an Auditor all over the world especialy in the field of Pressure Equipment and Welding. This is being conducted as part of the procedure to qualify plants to produce Pressure Vessles, Steam Boilers and various types of pressure vessels.
Well-known in the local industry, in main large and central bodies, in governmential authorities and so on. A member in various public engineering committees in Israel and has extensive experience and extensive expertise in the field of welding and pressure equipment including European Directives for Pressure Equipment.
Administrative Experience:
Over than 23 years of management experience as director of laboratories and previously as chief engineer.
Serves since 1995 in various professional and administrative duties and since 2005 as director of the Mechanical and Hydraulics laboratories in SII (The Standard Institution of Israel). These laboratories are large and diverse which currently have more than 190 employees, mostly engineers, practical engineers and technicians. These labs have unique and diverse areas of activities including in particular: Pressure Equipments, Weldings, Strength of Materials, NDT, Vehicles, Protection Systems, Fire Extinguishing Systems, Water and Plastic Technologies, Cranes & Elevators, Energy Systems, Solar Energy Systems etc.
Adi's Qualifications: As part of Adi's wide and various qualifications we can include: Certified Welding Inspector (AWS), Authorized Inspector of Pressure Equipments, Certified for NDT level II, Certified Quality Engineer (CQE,ICQE), Certified Quality Manager (ICQM) etc.
License to act as a lawyer: Adi's main fields of specialization are Engineering, Standardtization, Regulation, Labor law, Safety, Civil and Commercial law.
Adi has a clear charisma, assertiveness, high awareness of service, excellent interpersonal skills, a prominent leadership skills and team work ability. A high employees drive capability, proven ability in negotiation and has wide vision concerning subjects and activities which are under my treatments and responsibility.
Public Activities:
Chairman of the Israeli National Committee for welding (second term); Formerly , Chairman of the Israeli Certification Committee of Nondestructive Testing (NDT); Member of the Israeli National Committee for welding & of the Israeli Committee for Teating and Certification of Welding Inspectors
Knowledge of languages: Hebrew, English and Arabic

Certified Welding Inspector

Quality System's Manager

Award Winning Quality in the Standards Institution of Israel

Master's degree (MSc), Mechanical Engineering and Management

Licensed to practice law & Member of the Israeli bar

Authorized Inspector of Pressure Equipment

Magnetic Particles MT level 2

Authorized Inspector of Fuel Storage Tank API 653

B.Sc Mechanical Engineering

L.LB Law Bachelor's degree

Israeli Certified Quality Engineer

Radiography Interpreter RT level 2
International certificates

National Board Exam Course of Pressure Equipment

Authorized Inspector of Fuel Storage Tanks API 653

CQE Cerified Quality Engineer

ASME Boilers & Pressure Vessels Inspection
Letters of appointment

An appointment as Chairman of the Israeli National Committee of Welding

An appointment as a committee memeber in the Israeli Laboratory Accreditation Authority for Natural gas

An appointment as a member in the Israeli Committee for Teating and Certification of Welding Inspectors