Based on wide professional experience and reputation we have accumulated in various fields within the framework of the activity of AEWICS, we provide consultation and professional engineering guiding to organizations, enterprises, law firms and others.
The service we offer is based, among other things, on the knowledge and experience that our CQE has accumulated during 25 years of our work as senior director in the Standards Institution of Israel.
Lawyers handling legal cases involving technical issues, Israeli and international standardization procedures, import and regulation's procedures, etc., are invited to contact us at AEWICS for advice and guidance. Wise professional assistance provided by professionals with proven wide expertise at AEWICS, will upgrade the level of treatment of the legal case based on expert opinion as required.
Importers at the beginning of their careers, those who want to expand the range of products they import or importers who feel they were hurt due to lack of understanding of the procedures of import and regulation, are invited to contact us at AEWICS as an experts and well familiar with the import's procedure/ SII Procedure No.401 and Proto Type and Shipment tests.
Industrial plants in Israel and all over the world who want to produce and put their products in the Israeli market or in the European, US or other's markets, and are interested in receiving advice, assistance and guidance as to the proper procedure and domestic regulation in the destination country, are kindly requested to contact us and we at AEWICS will help as long as necessary.
Plants who have difficulty to move forward with the process of connecting their end-appliances to the natural gas pipeline in front of the Standards Institution of Israel or other Inspection Bodies, are welcomed to contact us and we at AEWICS will assist you by providing advice and guidance, based on a wide and rich experience Eng. Adi A. Atsits has, as the founder and director of the NG project in the Standards Institution of Israel since 2013.