Factories that produce Pressure Vessels, Steam Boilers, Air Receivers (compressors) and other pressure equipment which are interested in marketing it in the USA or in other location worldwide where the ASME certification and stamp are required, will have to follow and implement ASME strict and mandatory system in advance.
Eng. Adi A. Atsits is an ASME Certified Authorized Inspector (AI) and he represent in Israel and worldwide an Authorized Inspection Agency (AIA)- ICIM SpA.
Therefore, you can establish a contract with us as your AIA and Authorized Inspector for your ASME jobs in Israel and all over the world.
AEWICS Engineering Co. has wide and rich professional experience and reputation In the field of Pressure Equipment in accordance with the ASME Codes. We at AEWICS are expert in the preparation of factories in Israel and worldwide towards ASME assessment, as follows:
- Certification of the production of Pressure Vessels according to ASME VIII's requirements
- Certification of the production of Steam Boilers according to ASME I's requirements
- Certification of the production of Heating Boilers in accordance with ASME section IV's requirements.
We also:
- Prepare Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) according to ASME section IX's requirements.
- Qualify Procedure Qualification Records (PQR) according to ASME section IX's requirements.
- Qualify Welders & Operators according to ASME section IX's requirement
We invite you to contact us (+972-9-7654114, adi@ewics.co.il) and to schedule a consultation meeting to initiate the procedure necessary for the marketing of Pressure Vessels, Steam Boilers, Air Receivers (compressors) and other Pressure Equipment in accordance with ASME Certification system.