Welding is the heart of structures. Unprofessional and non quality welding can lead to structural failure, loss of life and damage to properties. Meanings are: exposure to a criminal conviction, a claim for damages, high non quality costs, project's delay, damage of perception and reputation, and thus a loss of potential work orders.
"Think before you act!"
Involvement of Certified Welding Inspector before starting a project and throughout the course of making welds and construction is very essential to ensure the strength of the structure, it's quality, compliance to requirements and applicable standards and significant for financial savings.
AEWICS company provides Supervision and Inspection of certified welding inspector as a 2nd party and as a representatives of Notified Body (3rd party certified and independent) in Europe, including:
- Examination and certification of Welders/Welders Operators
- Preparation of welding specifications WPS
- Approval Welding Procedures- PQR
- Welding Inspection on various projects in Israel and all over the world- 2nd party's supervision
- Welding Inspection on various projects in Israel and all over the world-3rd party's supervision