AEWICS Company- Engineering, Inspection and consulting Services Ltd. is involved in the management, coordination and supervision of various engineering projects.
AEWICS COE- Eng. Adi A. Atsits has an extensive experience in management and supervision of projects especially in the field of connecting end appliances consume natural gas to natural gas pipeline; Manufacturing of Pressure Equipment in Israel and all over the world; Welding Projects; Quality Assurance and more.
During 25 years of his professional and public activities, Adi gained a reputation and appreciation among organizations and many industrial facilities in Israel and ali over the world. Preciseness on excellence, uncompromising quality, high level of service and organizational culture based on values such as: integrity, professionalism and ethics, making AEWICS a leader in it's professional fields.
AEWICS company provides engineering supervision on behalf of an independent 3rd party which has a great reputation in Israel, Europe and all over the world, especialiy in the field of natural gas, pressure equipment and welding. This puts the company at the forefront of the engineering and professional systems in Israel in the field of supervision, inspection and tests.
For clarification,3rd party is an authorized and independent body whose status has been defined as a 3rd party, otherwise he is unable to act as a 3rd party.